Katie Didn't

OK, OK, Maybe she did!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My Hair

This is what my hair is supposed to look like!
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Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Nutcase

In my business (lodging), I run into all types of people ... most of them sane and nice, but every so often you get one who is obviously "off their meds". Such was the case recently.

This was the third visit by "Madame X", and while I remembered that she was a little kooky, I wasn't prepared for her behavior during this stay. She started out by time vampiring me for about 45 minutes at check-in, with repeated visits to the office throughout the day. The next day was my day off** and when I dropped by to check on things, this woman cornered me in the parking lot, demanding that I evict the guest staying in the next room.

Apparently, the guest next door had set the alarm clock for 4:30, as she needed to go to an early appointment or job or some such. Then, the GND had the temerity to get into her car and drive away at 5:30 am with her car lights on, which then shone in the window of MX. Now, I didn't want to fight with this headcase, so I explained that I had no control over when my guests came or went, nor did I care to exert such control. As you might expect, this answer did not please MX, who then indicated that if it happened the next morning, she would call the police ... and continued to rant about "people who get up early should stay out on the highway" and how motel managers are just a bunch of cowards. I left to run errands and sneaked back later to find that MX had gone to the local constabulary and filed a formal complaint about the GND. For going to work? Oddly enough, when MX checked out on Friday, she said she had had a wonderful stay. Whatever!

day off** = golf in the morning, running errands for the properties all afternoon

Punta Uva Beach

I really need to get back there! Soon.

Are we good, or what?

It has been forever since I've even looked at this blog, but today is pretty quiet so what the heck! Ran across this article a while back and, well, I knew Oregonians were better drivers than Washingtonians ... I thought we were much better ... apparently not.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

U.S. to ban flame sources aboard airliners?

Enough already! Now, I know it isn't good for me, but I do it. Nor is it even acceptable in polite company any longer. When I am flying I can certainly forgo a smoke from, say, here to Houston, and again from Houston to Costa Rica (which is where I like to go) ... but what about those five looong hours when I am in the meanest airport in the country? Well, maybe not the meanest, O'Hare is pretty bad too. There aren't even two sticks to rub together, at any airport I've flown to, from or through.

What does it say about our current “airport security” when I watched, aghast, as a large family of middle easterners (OK, I only assume they were family), in full regalia, literally glide through screening in Houston last November. Seriously. Granny, in her burkha, wasn’t even sent thru the metal detector! And they want ME to not be able to have a quick cigarette in sub-freezing temperatures when I am finally able to find the “designated” smoking area in the windiest, coldest possible spot? Puhleeze! I wouldn’t mind not carrying a lighter with me, but if I can't even buy one for a few hours use during a layover?

Driving south through 2 states, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua and the full length of Costa Rica just to get to my final, preferred destination sounds better all the time.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentine's Day

Well, here it is, VD again and I am working until 9! It wouldn't be so bad if it was a busy day, but as you know, the day goes slowly when things are quiet. But, the DH gave me a nice card and a pot of tulips, is cooking dinner tonight and it IS my Friday, so I guess all is not lost. A nice steak and a couple of glasses (bottles?) of Shiraz, a movie and ... whatever! Hummm. Update: the DH just informed me that, no, not steak, ravioli dinner instead! Yumm. Update to Update: What a nice surprise! Both Steak & Ravioli! What a guy!

* * * * *

Spring is really springing. I've got daffodils that have been in bloom for 3 weeks, the pussy-willows are popping out, flowering fruit trees are flowering and the lawns are growing apace. I really feel for those who live in the Northeast, what with the lousy winter they've had. I guess our rotten end-of-summer is being compensated by our incredibly mild winter. I've been able to golf almost every "off" day! I can't remember a winter here as dry as this one, ever.

* * * * *

I found this really cool site about how to fold a T-shirt. It sure makes the laundry go faster! All visual, unless of course, you speak ... well, I don't know if it is Chinese or Japanese.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Oh Yeah! Just a Great Day!

We've all had 'em and I have fewer than many, but today was one! The kind that just makes you go gurrrrr and your tummy knot up and your shingles want to pop out! Murphy and his law hard at work at the beach. Ok, so I can take deep breaths, drink herbal tea and double up on the acyclovir for a few days. I'm better now.